![]() Stephanie and Levi, a young couple in our church, were filled with excitement and joy as they made their way to the hospital for the birth of their first baby. In an instant, everything changed. Excitement and joy turned to fear and uncertainty without notice. After hours of labor, an emergency C-Section brought about the birth of baby Wyatt Denver. Immediately, Wyatt was rushed to the NICU while mom was extremely sick from medicine and surgery. Throughout Stephanie’s pregnancy, all the images and tests were normal. Once Wyatt was born, that changed. The following 10 months brought chaos. Wyatt was diagnosed with Ohtahara syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that causes seizures, breathing and eating issues, and would be, within two years, terminal. On October 20th, Mom and Dad gave Wyatt his last bath and wrapped him in his favorite blanket. Surrounded by family members, baby Wyatt passed away at only ten months old. Stephanie said, “I’ll never forget that night, and I’ll always remember the impact he had on my life.” Stephanie shared that through the pain, her relationships grew stronger. She and her husband grew closer as they faced this situation together. They experienced a closeness from family and friends who surrounded and supported them. Stephanie went on to say that not only was she closer to the people around her, but God felt nearer, too. “God revealed Himself in so many ways it would take an entire novel. A hard road like the one we faced doesn’t mean that God isn’t near you and doesn’t care about what you’re going through,” Stephanie shared with me examples of this. For instance, God prompted family members to make the three-hour drive to the hospital for an unexpected visit. It was during this visit, with family members close by, that Stephanie and Levi received Wyatt’s diagnosis. Stephanie went on to say that the presence of the Lord at the funeral brought an unexpected peace. A simple butterfly circling at the graveside and the most beautiful sunset over the grave added to the peace He gave her that day. Not only did Stephanie allow this situation to strengthen her faith in God, but she was able to see others in her community come to trust Christ through what they witnessed. Stephanie concluded, “Even when it’s unbearably painful, we need to seek Him and trust Him. Wyatt’s life continues to impact people around us.” He is our source of peace. “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 In the middle of our chaos where do we find the ability to keep going? As a pastor, I walk with families through pain, trauma, crisis, and more. In these moments I find that even in pain and tears many will discover a peace that is not humanly possible. God is the source of genuine peace– “a peace which surpasses all understanding.” Stephanie shares about this peace she experienced that only could come from God. Unfortunately, many people will turn to other things to find peace. Things like alcohol, drugs, new hobbies, and many different things. These things only become a distraction or a mask for the pain. Paul tells us that God is the source of peace. The peace that Paul is talking about will leave you unable to describe it and others left wondering how you make it through the pain. Paul also tells us that this peace will “guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” In our chaos, we are vulnerable to allowing our hearts and minds to roam to negative places. We need to recognize our hearts and minds drifting in the wrong direction and turn to truths from God and His Word. Today, pray that you would look to God to be your peace. Find a verse or two that you can cling to and memorize (highlight it in your Bible). Bring your heart and mind in line with the truths of who God is and what His Word says. Comments are closed.
He is our PEACE. {Stephanie Forbes' Story} He is our REFUGE. {Jan Owen's Story} He is our PROVIDER {Darrell Bryant Story} He is our COMPASSION {Carol Bryant's Story} He is ABLE. {Sandee DePriest's Story} He is GOOD {Ashton Rost's Story} He is PRESENT while we wait. {Anonymous} He is our SOURCE OF STRENGTH. {Bruce Helsley's Story} He is our STRONG TOWER. {Adisyn Gray's Story} He is our LIGHT. {Gage Miers' Story} He is our WAYMAKER {Ashlee Miers' Story} He is our ALPAH and OMEGA. {Don & Barb Calton's Story} He is CARING. {Anonymous} He is WITH ME. {Robbie Tackett's Story} He is my DELIVER. {Julie Long's Story} He is TRUSTWORTHY. {Rob Schad} He is My REDEEMER. {Chris Wilson} He is My HELP. (Angela Maddox} He is SOVEREIGN {Anonymous} He is our SHEPHERD Jerry & Pat Capps He is our SALVATION Carol Kolander He is our SUFFERING SERVANT Nolan Snider He is my ALL IN ALL Toni Lorenz He is our REST. Anonymous He is Our Mediator. {Anonymous} |