DAY FOUR of VBS was action packed!! We had 113 kids and over 100 VBS staff last night! You are going to want to be sure to check out the link below for pictures of CRAZY FOR JESUS night because it was quite the celebration! Tonight is "Twists & Turns" Night so WEAR YOUR VBS SHIRT when you come tonight and bring a friend with you! (If you haven't received a VBS shirt yet, let us know when you check in tonight and we'll try our best to get one for you.) TONIGHT is also FAMILY NIGHT! Kids are to come at 6 as normal and parents are to arrive at 8:15. Kids will be singing the VBS songs and the offering contest results will be announced, and Pastor Rich and two of his best friends PLUS Jackson will be turned into human sundaes because the kids invited more friends to VBS and we achieved our goal of having over 140 kids this week enrolled at VBS!! It's going to be so fun & sticky to see what happens! Before Family Night at 8:15, kids will have one last night of VBS fun as we continue to learn about Jesus through the eyes of Peter. Last night we learned that JESUS IS WORTH FOLLOWING and tonight we will be learning that JESUS IS FOR EVERYONE. See you tonight at VBS for DAY FOUR of the BEST WEEK OF THE SUMMER and again, kids come as normal at 6 and parents we'll see you at 8:15! And one last thing...remember Sunday night is our SWIM PARTY at the city pool from 6:30-8:30! Everyone is invited--swimmers and spectators & family and friends are all welcome as we come together and celebrate a great week of VBS! See you tonight!
DAY THREE of VBS was fantastic!! We had 124 kids and over 100 VBS staff last night! We are only 5 kids away from having Jackson be part of the HUMAN SUNDAE on Thursday night at Family Night, so be sure to invite a friend to come with you to VBS!! Also be sure to check out the link below for pictures of all the fun we had yesterday on "Brothers and Sisters in Christ" night! Tonight is one of our favorite spirit nights...It's "Crazy for Jesus" Night and we can't wait to see all of your crazy socks, hair styles & outfits at VBS! It's going to be another great night as we continue learning about Jesus through the eyes of Peter. Last night we learned that JESUS IS FORGIVING, and tonight we will be learning that JESUS IS WORTH FOLLOWING, and He truly is. See you later today at VBS for DAY FOUR of the BEST WEEK OF THE SUMMER!
DAY TWO of VBS was fantastic!! We had 121 kids and over 100 VBS staff last night! Be sure to check out the pictures below of the great hats worn all around VBS for our "Get Your Head in the Game" night! Tonight is "Brothers and Sisters in Christ" Night so twin up with a friend or two or WEAR BLUE to match people all over VBS when you come tonight and bring a friend with you to help reach our goal to turn Pastor Rich and two friends (plus maybe Jackson!!) into human sundaes on Family Night. (Be sure to let us know if you brought a visitor when you check in tonight and get your nametag.) It's going to be a great night as we continue learning about Jesus through the eyes of Peter. Last night we learned that JESUS IS TRUSTWORTHY and tonight we will be learning that JESUS IS FORGIVING as we hear God's plan of salvation. See you tonight at VBS for DAY THREE of the BEST WEEK OF THE SUMMER!
WOW! We had a great first night of VBS!! With 91 kids and over 100 VBS staff, the church was filled with lots of activity as you can see from some of the pictures! Our offering (which will be given to help supply school supplies in Webster County schools as well as to help our mission partner church in Pueblo, Colorado start a new church) totaled $74.14. It was a tight contest, but the girls came out ahead by $17.08! We'll see how it goes tonight! Tonight is "Get Your Head in the Game" Night so wear a great hat when you come to VBS and bring a friend with you to help reach our goal to turn Pastor Rich and two friends into human sundaes on Family Night. (Be sure to let us know if you brought a visitor when you check in tonight and get your nametag.) It's going to be a great night tonight as we continue learning about Jesus through the eyes of Peter. Last night we learned that JESUS IS HOLY and tonight we will be learning that JESUS IS TRUSTWORTHY. See you tonight at VBS for DAY TWO of the BEST WEEK OF THE SUMMER! Information from day 1
We can’t contain the EXCITEMENT! We are gearing up for the amazing Twist and Turns VBS! VBS volunteers have started decorating the halls and by Sunday evening, July 16, we will be ready to spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win. You’ll need to bring your A-game for this VBS. Kids will play their way through VBS while learning that Jesus guides them through all the twists and turns of their lives. They’ll also find that even when they mess up it’s never “game over.”
If you have friends that you would like to invite to VBS there is still plenty of time. Registration is still open you can CLICK HERE to register or tell your friends to go to |